Synergo basis

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( 325,56 / 1 kg)
Delivery Time: 1-3 business days (in DE)
Includes 7% MwSt., plus shipping
( 325,56 / 1 kg)
Delivery Time: 1-3 business days (in DE)

Synergo monthly subscription: Convenient, flexible and best value!

  • Synergo shipped to you automatically every month.
  • Free shipping.
  • Save € 5 per product for subscriptions of 2 products or more per month.
  • Full flexibility: Pause or cancel the subscription at any time after the minimum term (3 months).
Nährstoff-Komplex: Stoffwechselformel


Synergo basis vereint über 55 bioaktive Mikronährstoffe aus kraftvollen Superfoods wie Chlorella, Spirulina, Granatapfel, Olivenblättern, Kakao, Acerola und vielen weiteren – dein tägliches Multivitamin, Multimineral und Präbiotikum in einem.

  • Stärkt das Immunsystem: Mit Vitamin C, Zink, Selen, Kupfer und NAC für optimale Immunstärke und antioxidativen Schutz.
  • Fördert die natürliche Entgiftung: Chlorella bindet Schwermetalle, Bambus-Silizium unterstützt die Ausleitung, und Selen fördert die Zellreinigung.
  • Schützt vor oxidativem Stress: Astaxanthin, OPC und Polyphenole aus Kakao, Granatapfel und Oliven helfen, freie Radikale zu neutralisieren.
  • Unterstützt die Darmgesundheit: Präbiotika wie Inulin und Akazienfaser fördern das Darmmilieu und wirken verdauungsfördernd. Pflanzenstoffe aus Chlorella können die Regeneration und das Wachstum der Darmzellen unterstützen.
  • Trägt zur Säure-Basen-Balance bei: Basische Mineralien wie Magnesium und Calcium sowie basenbildende Pflanzenstoffe wirken einer Übersäuerung entgegen.
  • Ab 2 Produkten im Monatsabo € 5 Rabatt je Produkt
  • Gratis Versand ab € 70
  • Alle Abos versandkostenfrei
  • 95 % unserer Kunden spüren den Synergo-Effekt



Synergo basis is a nutrient complex made from natural ingredients such as algae, fruit powders, and plant substances specially tailored to support your metabolism. Synergo basis is vegan, gluten-free, and lactose-free. The gentle processing of the raw materials guarantees the preservation of nutritionally valuable ingredients.

The metabolism is the basis of all vital processes in the body. If the metabolism is insufficiently supplied, it can lead to physical issues and dysfunctions. A good supply of nutrients – tailored to the function of the metabolism – as well as exercise, enough sleep and sufficient fluids are important for a functioning, active and healthy metabolism.

What makes Synergo basis special is an optimal dosage of important vitamins, minerals and other nutritional substances, such as antioxidant plant substances, lipids and other micronutrients.

Magnesium, calcium, selenium, zinc, copper, iron and niacin are important for the metabolism. Vitamins B12, B6 and iron contribute to the normal formation of red blood cells, iron also contributes to the normal formation of haemoglobin. Vitamin B2 helps maintain normal red blood cells. Vitamin D contributes to a normal calcium level in the blood and linoleic acid helps maintain a normal cholesterol level in the blood. Chromium helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. Chloride contributes to normal digestion through the formation of stomach acid. Calcium contributes to the normal function of digestive enzymes. Choline contributes to normal fat metabolism and maintenance of normal liver function. Thiamine contributes to normal heart function. Magnesium is important for healthy nerve and muscle function and for a normal energy metabolism. Vitamin B12 is important for cell formation and growth. Selenium, copper, vitamins C and E neutralise free radicals and are important for cell protection, additionally zinc, copper, vitamin B2 and vitamin E help to protect the cells from oxidative stress. Vitamins A, D3 and C support the functions of the immune system. Copper helps maintain normal connective tissue.



Cocoa, fruity pineapple and lemon (thanks to the addition of natural fruit powders) based on natural premium algae.

Climate-friendly packaging:

Our practical can with freshness seal can for example be reused for storing tea, spices, etc. as often as required and can be recycled when it is no longer needed. The product label is printed on 100% recycled paper. Our shipping packaging consists of cardboard and paper, we don’t use plastic.

Nutritional information in 100 g (in 6 g):

Energy: 847.11 kJ (50.83 kJ)
Energy: 201.10 kcal (12.07 kcal)

Directions for use

Recommended intake:

Take 9 tablets daily, distributed throughout the day. The tablets can be chewed or swallowed whole with water.
If the recommended consumption is followed, a can is sufficient for around a month.
Contents per can: 180 g

Sales description:

Food supplement.
Not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet as well as a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. Keep out of reach of young children.

Storage conditions/shelf life:

<= 50% rel. humidity. Dark, in a dry room not above 24° C. Best before date see bottom of the can. The information applies to products in undamaged original packaging.

Ingredients + Nutrients


Algae mixture 30 % (Chlorella vulgaris (Klötze, Germany); Lithothamnium calcareum (France); Spirulina organic (Akalfood, Germany); Astaxanthin from the micro alga Haematococcus pluvialis); Magnesium carbonate; Cocoa powder organic, de-oiled; Acerola fruit extract rich in Vitamin C; Pea protein (Pisane); Pomegranate seed powder organic; Lemon peel powder organic, freeze-dried; Seedling mix (buckwheat, organic; brown millet, organic, fermented); Pineapple fruit powder organic, freeze-dried; Acacia fibre; Hemp seeds, organic; Pomegranate peel extract rich in ellagic acid; Bamboo extract rich in silica; Inulin from chicory root; Olive leaf extract rich in oleuropein; Zinc bisglycinate; OPC from grape seed extract; Vitamin E (D-alpha‑Tocopherol); Dolomite from the German alps; N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine from plant fermentation; Rice bran; Flax seeds organic, de-oiled; Cider vinegar extract; Vitamin B3 (nicotinamide); Iron(II) gluconate; Vitamin K2 vegan (all-trans menaquinone-7 (MK7)); Sodium borate pharmaceutical grade; Vitamin B5 (calcium D-pantothenate); Choline bitartrate rich in choline; Vitamin D3 vegan (cholecalciferol); Copper(II) gluconate; Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal 5′-phosphat); Vitamin B2 (riboflavin); Vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride); Vitamin B12 vegan (methylcobalamin); Vitamin B9 folate (calcium L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate); Sodium selenite; Chromium(III) picolinate; Vitamin B7 (D-biotin)

All ingredients are vegan, lactose-free and gluten-free. More information about the individual ingredients can be found under product philosophy.

Nutritional information
Figures valid for recommended daily intake of 9 tabs (= 6 g)a% NRVb
Calcium247 mg31 %
Magnesium258 mg69 %
Silicon dioxide (bamboo)77 mg
Trace elements
Boron1 mg
Chromium15 µg37 %
Iron2.9 mg21 %
Copper620 µg62 %
Selenium61 µg111 %
Zinc10 mg100 %
Catalase14.6 U
Superoxide dismutase16.7 U
Bromelain225.4 GDU
Astaxanthin2.4 mg
Lutein0.2 mg
Zeaxanthin0.4 mg
Total carotenoids5.3 mg
Ellagic acid56.4 mg
Oleuropein25 mg
OPC42 mg
Total polyphenols147 mg
Chlorophyll19 mg
Phycocyanin62 mg
Vitamin A396 µg50 %
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin HCl)1.1 mg100 %
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)1.4 mg100 %
Vitamin B3 (Nicotinamide)16 mg100 %
Vitamin B5 (Calcium-D-pantothenate)6 mg100 %
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal-5′-phosphate)1.6 mg114 %
Vitamin B7 (D-Biotin)54 µg109 %
Vitamin B9 (Folat 5-MTHF)234 µg117 %
Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin)4 µg160 %
Vitamin C118 mg147 %
Choline2.5 mg
Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol)15 µg300 %
Vitamin E (D-α-TE)18 mg150 %
Vitamin K2 (MK7 all-trans)122 µg163 %
Amino acids
Histidine23 mg
Isoleucine51 mg
Leucine93 mg
Lysine69 mg
Methionine20 mg
Phenylalanine60 µg
Threonine49 mg
Tryptophan17 mg
Valine64 mg
Arginine87 mg
N-acetyl-cysteine36 mg
Cysteine10 mg
Glycine55 mg
Proline51 mg
Serine52 mg
Tyrosine42 mg
Alanine70 mg
Aspartic acid112 mg
Glutamic acid166 mg
Glutathione256 µg
Unsaturated fatty acids
Linolenic acid (omega 3)225 mg
Linoleic acid (omega 6)149 mg
Dietary fibre
Pektin114 mg
Inulin58 mg
Total soluble fibre518 mg
Total insoluble fibre355 mg
a Information is subject to the usual fluctuations for natural products and is valid for products in undamaged original packaging.
b NRV = Nutrient reference value according to EU regulation.


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Info Abend:
Mikronährstoffe als Schlüssel für ein gesundes Leben


Synergo-Studio in Uhingen (BW)


21. November, 19:30

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Aktionen, Synergo Events, und mehr. Wir versprechen, dich nicht zu bombardieren, Synergo News erscheint maximal 12 Mal im Jahr. (Abmeldung jederzeit kostenlos möglich.)

Mikronährstoffe in optimaler Kombination aktivieren deinen Stoffwechsel – die Grundlage aller lebenswichtigen Vorgänge im Körper. Für Wohlbefinden und gesundes, jugendliches Aussehen.
Vitamine, Mineralien, Spurenelemente und mehr bringen deine Immunabwehr auf Hochtouren, wirken entzündungshemmend und schützen vor Krankheitserregern.
Antioxidantien wie Zink, Selen, Vitamin C, E, B2 und viele Pflanzenstoffe wirken entzündungshemmend und schützen deine Zellen vor oxidativem Stress, der Auslöser für viele Krankheiten und das Altern ist.

Basische Mineralstoffe und Spurenelemente unterstützen die Säure-Basen-Balance. Zudem wirken basenbildende pflanzenbasierte Zutaten in Rohkostqualität einer Übersäuerung entgegen, die Ursache vieler Zivilisationskrankheiten sein kann.

Präbiotika, Polyphenole, Aminosäuren, Bitterstoffe und mehr unterstützen deinen Magen-Darm-Trakt und fördern eine gesunde Darmflora – der Schlüssel zu körperlicher und geistiger Gesundheit.

Natürliche Vitalstoffe stärken deine körpereigenen Entgiftungsorgane. Zusätzlich unterstützt Chlorella die Ausleitung von Giften und Schwermetallen. Silizium aus Bambus fördert die Aluminium-Ausleitung.

Pflanzliche Proteine, Omega-3-Fettsäuren, Vitamine, Mineralstoffe, Spurenelemente und Antioxidantien unterstützen den Energiestoffwechsel, helfen bei der Regeneration und reduzieren Muskelkater.