Knowing of all these important functions of magnesium, it is not surprising that a magnesium deficiency not only reduces performance, but also makes us susceptible to chronic diseases of all kinds. Magnesium is one of the most important substances for a healthy life.
Magnesium deficiency – more common than you think
Sufficient magnesium intake through our daily food is more difficult nowadays than it used to be. Intensive industrial farming methods negatively affect soil health. As a result of intensive farming, our soils no longer provide enough magnesium and other minerals and micronutrients due to decreased soil microbial diversity. In addition, synthetic fertilisers reduce the ability of plants to absorb minerals such as magnesium from the soil. And industrial processing further contributes to reducing the mineral content of our foods. Also excessive calcium intake (e.g. by eating a lot of dairy products) can increase the excretion of magnesium and thus contribute to a deficiency. This leads to an increased occurrence of deficiencies in magnesium and other essential minerals and nutrients among the population. Even people who pay attention to a healthy and balanced diet can be affected. In addition, many people today have a higher need for magnesium than our ancestors because of increased exposure to toxins, alcohol consumption, and psychological stress.
Different forms of magnesium
Due to its reactivity, magnesium does not occur in elemental form or isolated in nature. As a mineral, it occurs mainly in the form of carbonates, silicates, chlorides, and sulfates. The three most common magnesium compounds available as supplements are magnesium citrate (magnesium bound to citrate, the salt of citric acid, organic), Magnesium carbonate (magnesium bound to carbonate, the salt of carbonic acid, inorganic), and magnesium oxide (magnesium bound to oxygen, inorganic). Our body can absorb magnesium from all of these compounds, but it utilises them at different speeds and stores them for different lengths of time. Magnesium carbonate is absorbed slowly over hours rather than quickly like magnesium citrate. Due to the slower and continuous absorption, the magnesium is available to the organism for longer. It also has an acid-inhibiting effect, which counteracts heartburn. Another advantage over magnesium citrate is that magnesium carbonate only has a laxative effect in higher doses. Because of these advantages, we use magnesium carbonate in our products.
Magnesium and its synergists
As is true with all nutrients, it is important not to take magnesium in isolation. Micronutrients are generally better absorbed in combination and also fulfill their function in the body together with other nutrients. At Synergo, we call this nutrient synergies. Here is an overview of known nutrients that complement magnesium and should ideally be available together when supplementing.
Magnesium and vitamin D:
Vitamin D and magnesium deficiencies are among the most common nutrient deficiencies in developed countries and influence each other. In the case of a vitamin D deficiency, magnesium absorption is inhibited. Conversely, a magnesium deficiency can lead to a vitamin D deficiency because magnesium activates vitamin D. A negative side-effect is that without effective vitamin D there is also no calcium absorption in the intestine.
Magnesium and vitamin B6:
To ensure the absorption and good availability of magnesium, the combination with vitamin B6 is also beneficial. Just like magnesium, vitamin B6 supports the health of muscles and nerves, but in addition it ensures that the magnesium gets to where it is needed most – in our cells.
Magnesium and zinc:
When taken together, magnesium and zinc have mutual benefits. Magnesium helps your body regulate its zinc levels, while zinc does the job of allowing it to absorb magnesium more effectively.
Magnesium and choline:
A study published in 2019 showed that taking magnesium and choline together was more effective in inhibiting inflammatory processes and dysfunction in the cardiovascular system (endothelial dysfunction), which can lead to arteriosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.
Magnesium and silica:
Bones are primarily composed of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and silica. Magnesium and silica are involved in the anabolic processes of the bone metabolism (i.e. building up). Osteoporosis is a metabolic bone disease in which catabolic processes (i.e. breaking down) predominate. To protect against osteoporosis, magnesium and silica together help to strengthen the bone structure. (Calcium (together with potassium), on the other hand, is considered a mineral that promotes catabolic (breaking down) processes.)
Magnesium und Calcium:
Taking magnesium and calcium at the same time makes sense! In the past, it was assumed that taking the two minerals at the same time was not advisable, since they were thought to adversely affect each other’s absorption into the body. However, this assumption was based on observations on an isolated rat intestine. Recent human studies have shown that magnesium and calcium can be absorbed by healthy people and can easily be utilised by the body when taken together. Even breast milk contains both magnesium and calcium – and we are convinced that nature knows best. New research has even shown that the two minerals magnesium and calcium support each other excellently in their positive effects. There are many metabolic processes that require both minerals at the same time. Did you know that it is also important to ensure a balanced mineral intake? Calcium and magnesium often act as opposites in our body. With today’s dietary habits, many people consume too much calcium compared to magnesium, which leads to an unbalanced intake of minerals, containing insufficient amounts of magnesium. The formulation of Synergo basis therefore contains a little more magnesium (254 mg / daily dose = 68% NRV) than calcium (242 mg / daily dose = 30% NRV) in order to counteract this imbalance. At the same time, every portion of Synergo basis contains the micronutrients that interact synergistically with magnesium.