Pea protein / Pisane®

Pea protein benefits

Compared to other proteins, pea protein is characterised by a very high-quality mixture of essential and non-essential amino acids.

Activation of the metabolism

The amino acids contained in pea protein can increase energy production in the mitochondria and activate metabolism. Of particular note are the amino acids arginine and lysine, both of which play a crucial role in performance and endurance.

Support for muscle building, immunity, bone health, firm skin, and more

Arginine also activates the release of growth hormones and thus promotes muscle building and the immune system. Arginine is also associated with improved potency. Among other things, lysine is important for bone health, tightening connective tissue and fat burning. However, pea protein can do even more: It supports heart health, can promote kidney function, increases muscle thickness and balances blood sugar levels.

Blood formation and oxygen transport

Pea protein is particularly rich in iron. The body needs iron to form hemoglobin – the red blood pigment. The iron in the blood binds oxygen that is absorbed through the lungs.

The iron in the blood binds oxygen that is absorbed through the lungs. This means that with the help of iron, oxygen is distributed throughout the body via the bloodstream and thus supplies all organs and cells. At the same time, our blood supplies all our cells with nutrients. Cells need oxygen and nutrients for cellular respiration and for all their vital metabolic processes.

Micronutrients in pea protein:


Arginine, histidine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, phenylalanine, threonine, tyrosine, valine, tryptophan, methionine.


Potassium, magnesium, calcium.

Ungesättigte Fettsäuren

Linoleic acid (omega 6), palmitic acid, alpha linolenic acid (omega 3), oleic acid, malic acid, citric acid, oxalic acid.


Manganese, iron, copper, zinc, nickel, chromium, phosphorus, selenium.


Vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, biotin, folic acid (vitamin B9), vitamin C.

Interesting facts about pea protein

Peas, like many other legumes, have been cultivated by humans for a long time. Originally from the Near East and Central Asia, the pea came to Europe via Turkey and Greece and, as archaeological finds show, it was already used by the ancient Romans, Greeks and Germans as an important source of protein. In fact, the small, round pea is a plant-based protein bomb: fresh peas, with around 70 percent water, have a protein content of around 7 percent. If the pea is dried, the percentage of protein increases to as much as 20 percent. Pea protein is obtained by grinding the peas into powder and then separating them into protein, starch and fiber. Pea protein is therefore the isolated protein from the pea and is therefore a purely plant-based source of amino acids that is also rich in iron and low in allergens. Pisane® is a high-quality pea protein with a protein content of 88%. Pisane is obtained exclusively from non-genetically modified peas from Europe. Only mechanical methods are used to isolate the protein (as opposed to chemical means such as hexane, which is often used with poor quality pea proteins). Pisane® has a relatively high protein content and is easy to digest. Pea protein is more sustainable to produce than other plant proteins: the energy and water consumption is comparatively lower and the yield per agricultural area is comparatively higher.

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Mikronährstoffe als Schlüssel für ein gesundes Leben


Synergo-Studio in Uhingen (BW)


21. November, 19:30

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Aktionen, Synergo Events, und mehr. Wir versprechen, dich nicht zu bombardieren, Synergo News erscheint maximal 12 Mal im Jahr. (Abmeldung jederzeit kostenlos möglich.)

Mikronährstoffe in optimaler Kombination aktivieren deinen Stoffwechsel – die Grundlage aller lebenswichtigen Vorgänge im Körper. Für Wohlbefinden und gesundes, jugendliches Aussehen.
Vitamine, Mineralien, Spurenelemente und mehr bringen deine Immunabwehr auf Hochtouren, wirken entzündungshemmend und schützen vor Krankheitserregern.
Antioxidantien wie Zink, Selen, Vitamin C, E, B2 und viele Pflanzenstoffe wirken entzündungshemmend und schützen deine Zellen vor oxidativem Stress, der Auslöser für viele Krankheiten und das Altern ist.

Basische Mineralstoffe und Spurenelemente unterstützen die Säure-Basen-Balance. Zudem wirken basenbildende pflanzenbasierte Zutaten in Rohkostqualität einer Übersäuerung entgegen, die Ursache vieler Zivilisationskrankheiten sein kann.

Präbiotika, Polyphenole, Aminosäuren, Bitterstoffe und mehr unterstützen deinen Magen-Darm-Trakt und fördern eine gesunde Darmflora – der Schlüssel zu körperlicher und geistiger Gesundheit.

Natürliche Vitalstoffe stärken deine körpereigenen Entgiftungsorgane. Zusätzlich unterstützt Chlorella die Ausleitung von Giften und Schwermetallen. Silizium aus Bambus fördert die Aluminium-Ausleitung.

Pflanzliche Proteine, Omega-3-Fettsäuren, Vitamine, Mineralstoffe, Spurenelemente und Antioxidantien unterstützen den Energiestoffwechsel, helfen bei der Regeneration und reduzieren Muskelkater.