Healthy aging through healthy cells - is it possible?

Why do we age? You’ve probably wondered about that before. Aging is connected to cell division, cell renewal, and the damage that occurs during this process—as well as to damages caused by so-called free radicals. As we age, damage to genetic material, cells, and tissues accumulates, leading to age-related functional decline, age-related diseases, and visible signs of aging. Additionally, as we grow older, some of the body’s protective substances are produced in smaller amounts. When the body becomes less capable of repairing damages and the synthesis of protective substances decreases, it accelerates the aging process.

With proper support, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle, we can influence the aging process and not only positively impact our biological age but also reduce the risk of age-related diseases, allowing us to remain vital and healthy for longer.

Synergo juvenis is a natural dietary supplement designed to support the body in better warding off or repairing cell damages—regardless of our chronological age. It can be used as a dietary supplement in older age as well as starting from around the age of 40. The Synergo juvenis Youth Fountain Formula combines the latest scientific insights from nutrient research and biology of aging with the knowledge of holistic natural medicine and vital substance therapy. It supports healthy aging on multiple levels—so that you may not only appear youthful and vital for longer but also feel that way.

Do you want to stay fit as you age? Then continue reading below to find out more about the areas in which Synergo juvenis may support you as an integral part of your daily healthy aging routine.

Synergo juvenis supports you in the following areas (the links take you directly to each respective section):

Telomere verlängern und Autophagie induzieren mit Synergo juvenis


Two terms are particularly focused on in cellular aging research: Telomeres and autophagy.

What is autophagy?

Autophagy describes the body’s process in which primarily defective and potentially harmful cell components are identified, broken down into their building blocks, and then either reused or discarded through metabolism. When autophagy functions optimally, cellular “waste”, which otherwise leads to wrinkles, diseases, and other signs of aging, is broken down. Simultaneously, restricted autophagy is closely associated with age-related functional limitations, diseases, and visible signs of aging. Studies have shown that spermidine, a naturally occurring polyamine, is capable of promoting autophagy1.1 / 1.2. Spermidine is found in some natural foods such as walnuts, soy sprouts, wheat germ, chlorella algae, or aged cheese and can also be produced by the body itself. However, the synthesis of spermidine steadily decreases with age. Increased external intake from age 40 onwards may potentially reduce the risk of age-related changes and support the maintenance of our cells’ health. Additionally, extracts from Astragalus membranaceus, one of the fundamental medicinal herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), have demonstrated many biological activities related to autophagy1.3.

What are telomeres?

Telomeres are protective caps located at the end of chromosomes in cells and they also play a central role in the aging process. Telomeres become shorter with each cell division until they become so short that the genes they protect can be damaged. Therefore, the length of telomeres is considered a measure of a person’s biological age. The shorter a person’s telomeres or protective caps, the higher the risk of developing age-related diseases such as cancer or dementia, and the shorter the life expectancy. According to studies, the astragalus root and extracts from it can activate the enzyme telomerase, which prevents further shortening or even extends the length of telomeres. Astragalus can thereby contribute to protecting DNA through longer telomeres and extending the lifespan of body cells1.4 / 1.5 / 1.6.

NAD+ as an additional booster for the longevity of your cells

The coenzyme NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) or its oxidised form NAD+ has been discussed in recent studies as an important regulator concerning aging and the cellular processes that support cell longevity. It is considered a promising substance for health in old age1.7 / 1.8 / 1.9. NAD+ is crucial for energy production in mitochondria (energy-producing organelles in our cells) and for many other metabolic reactions. Our NAD levels decrease with age. Nicotinamide (vitamin B3) can be converted into NAD in the cell. It is believed that NAD precursors such as nicotinamide (a form of niacin) can be used to increase NAD levels in the body1.10.

For enhancing autophagy and maintaining protective telomeres, Synergo juvenis provides you with 520 mg of astragalus root extract, 300 mg of chlorella extract containing 6 mg of spermidine, and 24 mg of nicotinamide (niacin) as a precursor to NAD+ in each daily dose.


Just as crucial as autophagy and the protection of telomeres is shielding our bodies from the breakdown of essential protective substances and our cells from free radicals. These are molecules with a strong tendency to steal an electron they lack from another molecule, resulting in the creation of a molecule that becomes a “free radical” itself. This process is called oxidation and can trigger a chain reaction, leading to oxidative stress that damages our cell membranes, mitochondria (energy-generating organelles in our cells), and DNA. The consequences can be severe. As more cells are affected, it leads to fatigue, typical age-related ailments, and diseases. Each of our trillions of body cells is attacked daily by at least 10,000 such free radicals. To better shield our cells from these assaults and strengthen the body’s detoxification from radicals, specific plant compounds, antioxidants, and endogenous substances have proven particularly helpful.

For Synergo juvenis, vital nutrients were specifically chosen, demonstrating protective or preventive effects against typical age-related complaints and diseases in studies.

Energy and performance

The mitochondria in our cells are responsible for generating energy (in the form of ATP = adenosine triphosphate) from simple sugars. This process is also known as cellular respiration. Aging is associated with progressive mitochondrial dysfunction, which involves impaired cellular respiration due to mutations and oxidative damage in the mitochondria2.1.

When mitochondrial function is compromised, it not only affects our energy metabolism and performance, but also disrupts other crucial metabolic processes and mechanisms. Recent research indicates that our mitochondria enable and influence communication and interaction with other organelles, the cell nucleus, and the external environment. Literature even suggests interactions between mitochondria and our internal clock, the gut microbiome, and the immune system2.2.

This emphasises the importance of protecting our mitochondria from mutations and oxidative damage for energy and health in aging. Resveratrol2.3, curcumin2.4, quercetin2.5, spermidine2.6, polysaccharides from astragalus2.7, hyaluronic acid2.8 and nicotinamide as a precursor to NAD+2.9 have shown supportive effects in maintaining mitochondrial function and integrity in scientific studies.

Immune system

Similar to the rest of the body, our immune system ages. Older individuals generally produce fewer antibodies, and the defense cells undergo changes compared to younger years, making the immune system less effective. However, just like overall vitality in aging, the efficiency of the immune system can be supported through a healthy lifestyle, regardless of age. Various ingredients in Synergo juvenis may help strengthen the immune system by supporting lymphocyte formation, activating T-cells, increasing the production of white blood cells and antibodies, regulating cytokines, or reducing inflammation and oxidative stress: Astragalus root extract2.10 / 2.11, chaga mushroom extract2.12, turmeric root extract2.13 / 2.14, nicotinamide (niacin)2.15, quercetin2.16 and resveratrol2.17 / 2.18.

Joints and bones

Several ingredients in Synergo juvenis, such as turmeric root extract2.19 / 2.20 / 2.21, quercetin2.22 / 2.23 / 2.24, resveratrol2.25 / 2.26 / 2.27 / 2.28, spermidine2.29 / 2.30, hyaluronic acid2.31 / 2.32 and natural rosehip extract2.33 have exhibited protective effects on bones and joints in various studies. Consequently, they might assist in preventing inflammatory joint diseases like arthritis, rheumatism, osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis.

Cardiovascular system

A multitude of vital nutrients in Synergo juvenis have shown positive effects on cardiovascular health in several studies, protecting against oxidative stress and influencing other biochemical mechanisms: Astragalus root extract2.34 / 2.35, rosehip extract2.36, turmeric root extract2.37 / 2.38, Quercetin2.39 / 2.40, resveratrol2.41 / 2.42 / 2.43 / 2.44, spermidine2.45 / 2.46, niacin (nicotinamide)2.47.

Eye health

With increasing age, vision often decreases and eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy or dry eyes become more common. Resveratrol2.48, hyaluronic acid2.49 and turmeric root extract2.50 in Synergo juvenis may support eye health through various mechanisms.

Anti-Cancer effects

Cancer causes about 1 in every 6 deaths worldwide, more than AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined. The development of cancer is a complex process. The starting point is usually damage to the genetic material in the cell that can no longer be repaired, or errors in reading the genetic information. This leads to a loss of cell cycle control and disrupts the controlled elimination of damaged cells (also called apoptosis). Such out-of-control cells are called malignant cells. Several thousand malignant cells are formed in the human body every day and are immediately destroyed by the immune system. Cancer occurs when malignant cells develop faster than the immune system can eliminate them. The result is an uncontrolled proliferation and differentiation of malignant cells, i.e. a malignant tumor.

This greatly simplified explanation demonstrates that the telomeres, which protect our genetic material in the chromosomes, as well as the process of autophagy (= the controlled cell cleaning and breakdown of damaged cells) as well as the effectiveness of our immune system are important mechanisms in the body to help protect against cancer. Various plant and mushroom extracts present in Synergo juvenis have shown remarkable anti-cancer effects in studies by interfering with essential processes in the cell cycle and blocking critical signaling pathways that have gone out of control in malignant cancer cells: Astragalus root extract2.51 / 2.52, chaga mushroom extract2.53 / 2.54 / 2.55, turmeric root extract2.56 / 2.57, quercetin2.58 / 2.59, resveratrol2.60 / 2.61, spermidine2.62 and nicotinamide (niacin)2.63.

Important note

Synergo juvenis is not a medication and cannot guarantee protection against disease. As a natural dietary supplement, it complements a healthy lifestyle by providing essential nutrients for preventive purposes. Long-term intake is recommended for its full effectiveness.

To better shield your body from cell-damaging influences and keep your immune system in check, each serving of Synergo juvenis is packed with: 520 mg astragalus extract (rich in astragaloside IV), 260 mg organic chaga mushroom extract, 100 mg highly bioavailable turmeric root extract (Cureit®), 150 mg high-purity trans-resveratrol (Veri-te™), 38 mg quercetin (as natural Sophora japonica extract), 300 mg chlorella extract (rich in spermidine), 150 mg hyaluronic acid (vegan from fermentation, ≥800 kilodalton), 100 mg reship extract (rich in natural vitamin C), 24 mg nicotinamide (niacin).

Gesund altern mit Synergo juvenis
Sichtbare Zeichen des Alterns reduzieren mit Synergo juvenis


Fine facial lines, occasional gray hairs, and a receding hairline in men are often the initial visible signs of aging, which commonly appear well before the age of 40. Discover how natural nutrients in Synergo juvenis may support a youthful appearance:

Firm, fresh-looking skin thanks to moisture and elasticity

As we age, the skin loses moisture and elasticity, making it looser and more wrinkled. The loss of skin volume primarily results from the body’s declining production of hyaluronic acid with advancing age. Hyaluronic acid is a key component found between skin cells and has the ability to bind water at a ratio of a thousand to ten thousand times its weight. Many studies support the effectiveness of hyaluronic acid. According to a study3.1 , daily intake of just 120 mg of hyaluronic acid with a medium molecular weight of 800 kilodaltons showed visible reductions in wrinkles and signs of skin aging after 6 weeks.

Collagen fibres, crucial for a firm skin structure, also decrease with age. The body synthesises collagen from amino acids obtained from a healthy, protein-rich diet. Vitamin C is necessary for this process as it contributes to the formation of collagen, elastin, and other stability molecules3.2. The more natural vitamin C is consumed, the more collagen can be formed in the connective tissue cells. Rosehip extract is not only rich in natural vitamin C but also contains lycopene, an antioxidant that can protect the skin from UV radiation and support skin tissue density3.3. Nicotinamide (vitamin B3) also contributes to increasing collagen production while acting as an antioxidant, promoting skin regeneration.

Recent studies also investigate the supportive effects of chlorella extract on collagen synthesis3.4.

A study involving resveratrol suggests that its intake significantly enhances the skin’s antioxidative power, improving skin moisture, elasticity, roughness, wrinkle depth, and the intensity of age spots3.5.

Excessive sun exposure can accelerate skin aging and cause sunspots. Chaga mushroom can slow down skin aging by shielding the skin from sun damage and oxidative stress. A study published by the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology confirmed the protective effect chaga could have on the skin3.6.

Healthy hair growth and hair pigmentation

Melanin is a biological pigment responsible for the coloration of hair and skin in humans. As we age, our melanin levels decline, resulting in hair losing its color. Chaga mushroom is rich in melanin and can support healthy melanin levels in the body. The spores of the mushroom have been traditionally used as a hair shampoo in Mongolia for centuries and appear to stimulate hair growth. A 2019 study applied triterpenes found in chaga to human hair follicles, suggesting that four out of five of these compounds have an anti-alopecia (anti-hair loss) effect3.7.

In a study from 20113.8, the polyamine spermidine directly affected the growth of human hair follicles. Hair follicles depend on polyamines for normal growth, function, and the entire hair cycle.

For skin elasticity and hair health as you age, each daily dose of Synergo juvenis contains 150 mg vegan hyaluronic acid with a well-absorbed medium molecular weight of 800 kilodaltons (kDa), 100 mg of rosehip extract (rich in natural vitamin C) and 24 mg of nicotinamide to support collagen formation. It also includes 150 mg high-purity trans-resveratrol to strengthen your skin’s antioxidant power, 260 mg of melanin-rich chaga mushroom extract for healthy melanin levels (pigment in skin and hair) and 300 mg of chlorella extract with 6 mg of spermidine to support healthy hair follicles.


Aging is often associated with sleep disturbances. Poor or insufficient sleep can significantly affect quality of life and contribute to numerous health problems or exacerbate them. Our body needs sleep as a period of rest and regeneration; during sleep, processes such as our sugar and fat metabolism are optimised, cellular repair processes occur, the immune system is strengthened, and dreams help the brain process emotions.

Sleep deprivation is linked to many chronic health problems, including heart and kidney diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, strokes, or obesity. Insufficient sleep can also have very negative effects on neural processes and our mental health, and even promote the development of dementia in older age4.1.

Our internal clock and the circadian rhythm

Our sleep-wake cycle and our internal biological clock are based on the circadian rhythm (= a biological rhythm with a duration of about 24 hours (circa = approximately, dia = day), which regulates the behavior and physiological processes of all light-sensitive organisms on Earth). Many changes in the quality and duration of sleep as we age occur due to a lack of regulation of this circadian rhythm4.2 / 4.3.

The hormone melatonin, produced in the pineal gland from serotonin (the so-called happiness hormone), regulates our sleep-wake cycle. A low melatonin level can result from a lack of daylight, as daylight stimulates the production of serotonin needed for melatonin production. Melanin, also produced in the body when exposed to sunlight, is also said to be important for melatonin production4.4. A low melanin level thus is said  to disrupt the natural sleep-wake cycle.

Regulation of the circadian rhythm with plant substances

According to folk medicine, chaga mushroom is said to keep the pineal gland healthy and thus stimulate melatonin production. Its high melanin content is believed to nourish our pineal gland and assist in the production of melatonin and the regulation of the circadian rhythm.

The modulating effect of plant substances and polyphenols such as resveratrol, quercetin or spermidine on circadian mechanisms, and the potential of resveratrol and other such plant substances/polyphenols to regulate disruptions in the biological clock, are increasingly of interest in research4.5 / 4.6 / 4.7 / 4.8 / 4.9 / 4.10.

To support a healthy circadian rhythm for good sleep, Synergo juvenis contains in each daily portion 260 mg of organic chaga mushroom extract, 150 mg of high-purity resveratrol (Veri-te™), over 45 mg of particularly bioavailable curcuminoids from turmeric extract (Cureit®), as well as other effective plant substances such as spermidine from chlorella vulgaris and quercetin from Sophora japonica.

Gut schlafen mit Synergo juvenis
Homöostase unterstützen, stärken und regulieren mit Synergo juvenis


Health is a state of homeostasis – which means balance, self-regulation, or dynamic equilibrium. Our body is constantly striving to maintain physiological processes (such as heartbeat, blood pressure, respiration, digestion, blood sugar levels, and more), biochemical processes (such as metabolism), and mental processes in balance. If these processes are disrupted for an extended period, it can lead to discomfort, typical signs of aging and potentially illness.

In herbal medicine, adaptogenic substances (called adaptogens) are used to stabilise physiological processes and promote homeostasis.

Balancing and strengthening effects of Astragalus membranaceus

The astragalus root (also known as Mongolian milkvetch or Astragalus membranaceus) has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese health practices (TCM), not only to strengthen our Qi (= life energy, also known as Prana) but also to support homeostasis (the constant balance). It generally acts as an energiser while simultaneously reducing stress. In TCM, it is one of the most potent means of immune support, but also recommended for modulating the immune system in conditions where the immune system is overactive such as allergies or chronic autoimmune diseases. The immunoregulatory effects of the astragalus root have been confirmed in modern scientific studies. Astragalus not only inhibits inflammation-promoting substances but also regulates the balance between effector cells and regulatory T-cells. Studies have shown that supplementation with astragalus root extract significantly alleviates hypersensitivity reactions of the immune system to certain stimuli5.1 / 5.2 / 5.3 / 5.4 / 5.5.

Chaga mushroom for general well-being and homeostasis

Another traditional adaptogen is the chaga mushroom (Latin: Inonotus obliquus), naturally growing on the bark of birch trees in cold regions like Northern Europe, Siberia, North Canada, or Alaska. As early as the 16th century, botanists began soaking chaga for therapeutic purposes. The chaga mushroom contains more melanin than any known fungus, plant, or animal species. Melanin is the color pigment of our skin and hair, simultaneously being one of the most potent antioxidants known (chaga mushrooms have an Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) value of 146,700). Traditionally, chaga has been used in Russian, Asian, and Northern European folk medicine to promote immunity and general well-being. The fungi are said to help combat fatigue, reduce inflammation, and restore body and mind to their natural, healthy state (homeostasis).

The mind-body connection

In this constant balance, the inseparable connection between the body and mind plays an essential role because emotions are also part of self-regulation (homeostasis). From neuropsychology, we know that our thoughts are controlled by our emotions, which are, in turn, anchored in our body. Therefore, our emotions are an integral part of the autonomic nervous system, which controls the autonomous (i.e., independently and unconsciously occurring) actions of our internal organs, blood vessels, and glands. Psychoneuroimmunology tells us that our nerve and immune cells are directly connected and interact through messengers. Thus, the mind can change what happens in the body, just as the body can positively or negatively influence the mind (e.g., through healthy vs. unhealthy eating, physical activity vs. lack of movement, etc). Positive emotions such as joy contribute to more efficient homeostasis and promote physical as well as mental health. The negative examples are equally apparent: sadness and stress are associated with the activation of the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, as well as the release of certain molecules. Consequently, homeostasis decreases, leading to damage to numerous body parts such as blood vessels and muscle structures5.6 / 5.7 / 5.8.

The spiritual power of the chaga mushroom

The chaga mushroom can also positively influence our emotional well-being. Melanin from chaga is said to stimulate the activity of the pineal gland (also known as the epiphysis) or to decalcify the pineal gland, which appears to calcify with advancing age5.9. The pineal gland is a small gland in the middle of our brain and is extraordinarily important for our emotional, physical, and mental health. Stimulating the pineal gland leads to the release of melatonin, which helps us adapt our body and mind to the rhythm of nature. Since the secretion of melatonin occurs in harmony with day and night, the pineal gland, which sits in the middle of the brain but is still capable of distinguishing light from darkness, is also called the “third eye.” It is even claimed that the pineal gland helps unite our inner and outer worlds, strengthen our intuition and spiritual power, and help us be more in tune with ourselves, which in turn benefits our mental health. The ancient Egyptians believed that the pineal gland in the center of the brain was the place of connection with the divine or spiritual. Whatever you believe, it is certain that a healthy pineal gland is part of a healthy body and has positive effects on homeostasis and therefore on our emotional and physical well-being5.10.

For general strengthening and support of homeostasis, Synergo juvenis provides you with 520 mg of astragalus extract and 260 mg of organic chaga extract in each daily dose.

Longevity at the cellular level:

1.1) Higher spermidine intake is linked to lower mortality: a prospective population-based study. (August 2018) => Link
1.2) Spermidine: a physiological autophagy inducer acting as an anti-aging vitamin in humans? (October 2018) => Link
1.3) The effects of Astragalus membranaceus active extracts on autophagy-related diseases. (April 2019) => Link
1.4) Discovery of potent telomerase activators: unfolding new therapeutic and anti-aging perspectives. (October 2019) => Link
1.5) Anti-aging implications of Astragalus membranaceus (Huangqi): a well-known Chinese tonic. (December 2017) => Link
1.6) Cycloastragenol and Astragaloside IV activate telomerase and protect nucleus pulposus cells against high glucose-induced senescence and apoptosis. (November 2021) => Link
1.7) Nicotinamide improves aspects of healthspan but not lifespan in mice. (March 2018) => Link
1.8) Cell life versus cell longevity: The mysteries surrounding the NAD+ precursor nicotinamide. (April 2006) => Link
1.9) NAD metabolism: Implications in aging and longevity. (November 2018) => Link
1.10) Niacin cures systemic NAD+ deficiency and improves muscle performance in adult-onset mitochondrial myopathy. (June 2020) => Link

Aging healthily:

2.1) The mitochondrial basis of aging and age-related disorders. (December 2017) => Link
2.2) Mitochondria: It is all about energy. (April 2023) => Link
2.3) Mitochondrial protection by resveratrol. (July 2011) => Link
2.4) Mitochondrial physiology and vegetal molecules therapeutic potential of natural compounds on mitochondrial health. Chapter 20 – Curcumin and mitochondria. (2021) => Link
2.5) Quercetin induces mitochondrial biogenesis through activation of HO-1 in HepG2 cells. (October 2013) => Link
2.6) Spermidine regulates mitochondrial function by enhancing eIF5A hypusination and contributes to reactive oxygen species production and ganoderic acid biosynthesis in ganoderma lucidum. (March 2022) => Link
2.7) Mitochondrial protection and anti-aging activity of astragalus polysaccharides and their potential mechanism. (February 2012) => Link
2.8) Effects of hyaluronic acid on mitochondrial function and mitochondria-driven apoptosis following oxidative stress in human chondrocytes. (April 2009) => Link
2.9) Role of NAD+ in regulating cellular and metabolic signaling pathways. (July 2021) => Link
2.10) Anti-inflammatory and immunostimulatory activities of astragalosides. (August 2017) => Link
2.11) Astragaloside II triggers T cell activation through regulation of CD45 protein tyrosine phosphatase activity. (March 2013) => Link
2.12) Immunomodulatory activity of the water extract from medicinal mushroom Inonotus obliquus. (September 2005) => Link
2.13) Immunomodulatory effects and mechanisms of curcuma species and their bioactive compounds: A review. (April 2021) => Link
2.14) Cell culture study on the effect of bio available curcumin – “Cureit” on elastase inhibition activity. (August 2014) => Link
2.15) Niacin modulates pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion. A potential mechanism involved in its anti-atherosclerotic effect. (September 2013) => Link
2.16) Quercetin, inflammation and immunity. (March 2016) => Link
2.17) Influence of resveratrol on the immune response. (April 2019) => Link
2.18) Resveratrol and immune cells: A link to improve human health. (January 2022) => Link
2.19) Therapeutic effects of turmeric or curcumin extract on pain and function for individuals with knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review. (January 2021) => Link
2.20) Clinical study on Cureit® in supporting rheumatological conditions. (January 2018) => Link
2.21) Therapeutic actions of curcumin in bone disorders. (March 2016) => Link
2.22) The effect of quercetin on inflammatory factors and clinical symptoms in women with rheumatoid arthritis: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial. (October 2016) => Link
2.23) Therapeutic effect of quercetin in collagen-induced arthritis. (March 2017) => Link
2.24) Quercetin as an agent for protecting the bone: a review of the current evidence. (September 2020) => Link
2.25) Resveratrol and the treatment of osteoarthritis | The research. (January 2021) => Link
2.26) Resveratrol supplementation reduces pain and inflammation in knee osteoarthritis patients treated with Meloxicam: a randomized placebo-controlled study. (August 2018) => Link
2.27) Regular supplementation with Resveratrol improves bone mineral density in postmenopausal women: a randomized, placebo‐controlled trial. (July 2020) => Link
2.28) Veri-te™ Resveratrol and bone health. (March 2022) => Link
2.29) Spermidine inhibits joints inflammation and macrophage activation in mice with collagen-induced arthritis. (June 2021) => Link
2.30) The natural polyamines spermidine and spermine prevent bone loss through preferential disruption of osteoclastic activation in ovariectomized mice. (June 2012) => Link
2.31) Oral administration of polymer hyaluronic acid alleviates symptoms of knee osteoarthritis: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study over a 12-month period. (November 2012) => Link
2.32) The effects of hyaluronan on bone resorption and bone mineral density in a rat model of estrogen deficiency-induced osteopenia. (2004) => Link
2.33) Rosehip: an evidence based herbal medicine for inflammation and arthritis. Marc Cohen. (July 2012) => Link
2.34) An updated role of astragaloside IV in heart failure. (June 2020) => Link
2.35) Effects of astragalus on cardiac function and serum tumor necrosis factor-alpha level in patients with chronic heart failure. (July 2010) => Link
2.36) Effects of rose hip intake on risk markers of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease: a randomized, double-blind, cross-over investigation in obese persons. (December 2014) => Link
2.37) Protective effects of curcumin in cardiovascular diseases—impact on oxidative stress and mitochondria. (February 2022) => Link
2.38) Curcumin, the golden spice in treating cardiovascular diseases. (February 2019) => Link
2.39) Potential pharmaceutical applications of quercetin in cardiovascular diseases. (August 2022) => Link/
2.40) Therapeutic potential of quercetin to alleviate endothelial dysfunction in age-related cardiovascular diseases. (March 2021) => Link
2.41) Pharmacological basis and new insights of resveratrol action in the cardiovascular system. (July 2019) => Link
2.42) Antioxidant effects of resveratrol in the cardiovascular system. (April 2016) => Link
2.43) The effects of resveratrol in patients with cardiovascular disease and heart failure: a narrative review. (February 2019) => Link
2.44) Verite™ Resveratrol and heart health. (March 2022) => Link
2.45) Beneficial effects of spermidine on cardiovascular health and longevity suggest a cell type-specific import of polyamines by cardiomyocytes. (February 2019) => Link
2.46) Spermidine promotes cardioprotective autophagy. (April 2017) => Link
2.47) Evidence that niacin inhibits acute vascular inflammation and improves endothelial dysfunction independent of changes in plasma lipids. (February 2010) => Link
2.48) Veri-te™ Resveratrol and eye health. (2023) => Link
2.49) Oral hyaluronic acid supplementation for the treatment of dry eye disease: a pilot study. (September 2019) => Link
2.50) Therapeutic potential of curcumin in eye diseases. (July 2019) => Link
2.51) Anti-tumor effects and mechanisms of Astragalus membranaceus (AM) and its specific immunopotentiation: Status and prospect. (August 2020) => Link
2.52) Anticancer activity of Astragalus polysaccharide in human non-small cell lung cancer cells. (December 2017) => Link
2.53) Continuous intake of the Chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) aqueous extract suppresses cancer progression and maintains body temperature in mice. (May 2016) => Link
2.54) Anti-cancer activity of Chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) against dog bladder cancer organoids. April 2023) => Link
2.55) Recent developments in Inonotus obliquus (Chaga mushroom) polysaccharides: Isolation, structural characteristics, biological activities and application. (May 2021) => Link
2.56) Curcumin and cancer. (October 2019) => Link
2.57) A review of curcumin and its derivatives as anticancer agents. (February 2019) => Link
2.58) The potential anti-cancer effects of quercetin on blood, prostate and lung cancers: An update. (February 2023) => Link
2.59) Potential mechanisms of quercetin in cancer prevention: focus on cellular and molecular targets. (August 2022) => Link
2.60) The role of Resveratrol in cancer therapy. (December 2017) => Link
2.61) The potential use of Resveratrol for cancer prevention. (December 2019) => Link
2.62) Spermidine as a promising anticancer agent: Recent advances and newer insights on its molecular mechanisms. (April 2023) => Link
2.63) The role of Nicotinamide in cancer chemoprevention and therapy. (March 2020) => Link

Reducing visible signs of aging:

3.1) Ingestion of hyaluronans (molecular weights 800 k and 300 k) improves dry skin conditions: a randomized, double blind, controlled study. (November 2014) => Link
3.2) The roles of vitamin C in skin health. (July 2017) => Link
3.3) Lycopene-rich products and dietary photoprotection. (March 2006) => Link
3.4) First report on Chlorella vulgaris collagenase production and purification by aqueous two-phase system. (March 2020) => Link
3.5) Resveratrol-procyanidin blend: nutraceutical and antiaging efficacy evaluated in a placebocontrolled, double-blind study. (October 2012) => Link
3.6) Inonotus obliquus protects against oxidative stress-induced apoptosis and premature senescence. (February 2011) => Link
3.7) Lanostane-type triterpenes from the sclerotium of Inonotus obliquus (Chaga mushrooms) as proproliferative agents on human follicle dermal papilla cells. (January 2019) => Link
3.8) Spermidine promotes human hair growth and is a novel modulator of human epithelial stem cell functions. (July 2011) => Link

Good sleep:

4.1) Langzeitstudie: Wenig Schlaf, erhöhtes Alzheimer-Risiko. (September 2021) => Link
4.2) Circadian rhythms, sleep, and disorders of aging. (April 2016) => Link
4.3) Sleep and aging. (February 2018) => Link
4.4) Sleep, sunshine & vitamin D. => Link
4.5) Resveratrol as a circadian clock modulator: mechanisms of action and therapeutic applications. (May 2023) => Link
4.6) Quercetin, caffeic acid and resveratrol regulate circadian clock genes and aging-related genes in young and old human lung fibroblast cells. (February 2020) => Link
4.7) Spermidine resets circadian clock phase in NIH3T3 cells. (July 2021) => Link
4.8) Circadian clock control by polyamine levels through a mechanism that declines with age. (November 2015) => Link
4.9) A novel potent sleep-promoting effect of turmeric: turmeric increases non-rapid eye movement sleep in mice via histamine H1 receptor blockade. (July 2021) => Link
4.10) Effects of dietary resveratrol on the sleep-wake cycle in the non-human primate gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus). (April 2012) => Link

Strengthening + regulating:

5.1) Anti-inflammatory and immunostimulatory activities of astragalosides. (August 2017) => Link
5.2) Astragaloside II triggers T cell activation through regulation of CD45 protein tyrosine phosphatase activity. (April 2013) => Link
5.3) Astragalus: use of the herb in the treatment of allergy & autoimmunity. (April 2016) => Link
5.4) Astragalosides from Radix Astragali benefits experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in C57BL /6 mice at multiple levels. (August 2014) => Link
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5.6) Our body and mind are one. Professor Helen Payne – Professor of Psychotherapy, University of Hertfordshire. (2014) => Link
5.7) Why your biology runs on feelings. Antonio Damasio, Professor of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Philosophy; and director of the Brain and Creativity Institute at the University of Southern California. (January 2018) => Link
5.8) Gefühle unterdrücken macht krank. Aus: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Psychologie im Gespräch. (September 2016) => Link
5.9) Varying appearance of calcification in human pineal gland: a light microscopic study. Journal of Anatomical Society of India. (January 2001) => Link
5.10) Drittes Auge – »Melatonin«, das Hormon der geheimnisvollen Zirbeldrüse, steuert die »innere Uhr« des Menschen und seine Pubertät. Entscheidet der Blutspiegel des Wirkstoffs auch über die seelische Gesundheit? Aus: Der Spiegel 6/1984. Spiegel Wissenschaft. (February 1984) => Link

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