Lithothamnium calcareum benefits

The red alga lithothamnium calcareum is a rich source of calcium and magnesium. It also contains over 70 other trace elements such as iron, zinc, and iodine. Calcium is important because it gives bones and teeth their strength. It is also involved in blood clotting as well as the activation of some enzymes and hormones. As the calcium from lithothamnium comes from a plant source, it is very well absorbed by the body. Compared to other natural calcium sources such as minerals (70 %), or oyster shells (27 %), calcium from lithothamnium has the highest bioavailability (87 %). It also outperforms synthetic calcium carbonate made in a lab.

Both calcium and magnesium play an important role in muscle and nerve function. Magnesium is needed in everything from exercise performance to heart and brain function.

Bone health

The rich natural calcium content in lithothamnium has shown excellent promise in studies to help maintain strong bones. The western diet, which is high in meat and other food containing saturated fat, can lead to bone degeneration (osteoporosis) and a build-up of fatty tissue as we age. In studies it was shown that supplementing the diet with calcium from lithothamnium helped maintain bone density at up to 30% more than a diet without supplementation.


The rich magnesium content of lithothamnium can help maintain regular bowel movements and prevent constipation.

Acid-base balance

Lithothamnium has a basic effect and thus helps to regulate the acid-base balance and counteract hyperacidity. Our modern lifestyle often leads to an excess of acid in our organism, which can be the cause of many civilisation diseases.


Rich in calcium, lithothamnium calcareum helps with the symptoms of arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatism and joint pain.

Stress and fatigue

Thanks to its high magnesium content, lithothamnium can reduce stress, lower fatigue, and strengthen inner peace when consumed regularly as part of a balanced diet.

Interesting facts about lithothamnium

Lithothamnium is a marine alga with a rich red colour that grows free-floating in cold waters with a moderate current up to a depth of 20 to 30 metres. It is found primarily off the west coast of Ireland and the Northern French coast but can also be found in the Baltic Sea and as far south as the Canary Islands.

Naturally occurring minerals in the seawater are accumulated in the alga’s fronds during its lifetime. The plant grows very slowly (approx. 1 mm per year) and over time takes on a light red to white coral-like appearance. Upon reaching maturity, the mineral-rich fronds break off the living organism naturally and fall to the ocean floor, where they calcify. The skeleton of the plant is what is harvested for consumption by humans.

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